Local Peacebuilders’ Perspectives on Climate, Peace and Security
In May 2023, local peacebuilders gathered online to exchange priorities, challenges, and ideas on climate, peace and security.
During the discussion, local peacebuilders shared how they advance climate, peace and security through the following actions at the regional level:
- Localising climate, peace and security: GPPAC local peacebuilders have developed a Step-by-Step Localisation Guidance Note to support local peace actors in documenting, assessing, and addressing climate security challenges at the local level.
- Advancing an intersectional approach across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (Triple) Nexus: Local peacebuilders recognise that climate change results in intersectional crises that give rise to diverse humanitarian, development, and security risks. Therefore, climate change requires coherent action by various stakeholders working together to effectively, efficiently and complementarily respond to crises.
- Promoting inclusive decision-making through a peacebuilding approach: In developing the Step-by-Step Localisation Guidance Note, local peacebuilders have proven capable of convening required stakeholders for impactful dialogues that lead to sustainable action.
- Integrating climate-related security risks and local indicators in early warning and early response: This inclusive approach will enable a more nuanced understanding of potential threats by integrating qualitative local and indigenous indicators or climate-related data and contribute to more effective prevention and response strategies.
Read the full summary note, including concrete recommendations for donors, development partners, climate experts, and local peacebuilders.