The Pacific
Our priorities
The Pacific is generally a region that is under-represented in the global agenda. Yet, it is a region that has experienced various political crises as well as natural catastrophes due to climate change, which calls for a need of greater attention. Our members from the Pacific are a group of civil society peace and security experts, currently from Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, the Autonomous region of Bougainville (PNG) and Papua New Guinea. They work in partnership to promote and advocate for human security, peace education and conflict preventive actions, particularly in light of past conflicts and existing political crises. The resurgence of conflict is clearly on the agenda of the GPPAC Pacific, and our network is committed to enhancing a human security approach to security, which we believe would greatly assist in eliminating tensions and instabilities in the Pacific Region. GPPAC Pacific network works to advocate for gender inclusive conflict prevention and human security linked to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, with a specific focus on SDG 16, and to communicate a strong civil society voice into regional inter-governmental fora.

Highlights & results
- Awareness raising on environmental risks and gender-sensitive responses through radio broadcasting.
- Bringing the perspectives and experiences of rural Pacific women to regional round tables and debates on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, and UN bodies in the region, such as UN Women.
“Being part of GPPAC gives me extra strength reaffirming that I am not in this alone. I am part of this awesome global family that strives to promote a common goal which is peace.”

Regional Secretariat
Transcend Oceania
8 Des Vouex Road
PO Box 19586
Suva, Fiji
Regional Representative
Sharon Bhagwan Rolls
Regional Liaison Officer
Adi Vasulevu Merewalesi Levu