UN Photo_JC McIlwaine

Financial Report 2017

In 2017, GPPAC together with our members trom all over the world worked hard to prevent violent conflict  and to foster peace in our communities as our members face the severe and slow onset of climate change and associated humanitarian crises. GPPAC's work focused on strengthening the capacities of civil society actors to play their part in addressing violent conflicts. We believe a whole of society approach by which all citizens in a society feel they can and should contribute to the establishment of more peaceful societies is necessary. For us, it is vital to keep on werking on demystifying prevention as well as explaining how it can be applied in practice. This is why we continued to bring local voices and the expertise of our members to key international arenas. The highlights includes the Mali civil society organisations visit and exchange with the European Union, as  well as our gender experts gathering at the United Nations in New York for the 17th anniversary of UNSCR 1325. In Colombia, we worked on a dialogue for peace and in Northeast Asia, we facilitated a civil society dialogue for peace and stability. 2017 also marked the  successful completion of our two and a half year project focusing on EU peacebuilding capacities funded by the EU.

In this report, you will find the financial overview of 2017.

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