
Annual Report 2013: 10 Years of GPPAC

I am happy to present to you GPPAC’s 2013 annual report. This year’s report is special as 2013 marked GPPAC’s tenth anniversary. Following the call from then United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan for greater civil society involvement to prevent armed conflict, GPPAC began in 2003 and officially launched its Global Action Agenda in 2005, at a worldwide conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York. ‘Today, under the leadership of GPPAC, fifteen secretariats across the world ensure that governments hear the views and perspectives of civil society on strategies to avoid conflict. This is a remarkable achievement and I would like to congratulate you for your energy and resolve’, Kofi Annan in his letter to the GPPAC International Steering Group participation 2013.

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