Adi Vasulevu Merewalesi Levu

Adi Vasulevu Merewalesi Levu

Gender Focal Point for the Pacific

Adi Vasulevu Merewalesi Levu is currently the Executive Director of Transcend Oceania (TO) a Peacebuilding NGO working for Justpeace and Development, since December 2017. She is a co-founder of Transcend Oceania towards its establishment in 2014 and a co-founder of the NGO – The Pacific Center for Peacebuilding established in 2007. She has worked as a facilitator and practitioner in Peace Education| Community mediation for Intervention, Prevention and Sustainable Development| Peacebuilding work for over 15 years, with networking engagements and partnership work experiences in the region - Solomon Island, Vanuatu, PNG - Bougainville, Tonga, Samoa and Fiji. Moreover, her work experiences include Early Action, Early Warning for Disaster Preparedness, Prevention, Response and Restorative justice processes and facilitations of Psycho services Integrated Community Trauma Healing working within the Protection Safety / Dignity cluster.

She is the incoming Regional Liaison for the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflicts - GPPAC Pacific 2019 | Team leader for GPPAC Pacific Regional Secretariat at Transcend Oceania 2019| Co-founding member with 6 partner organizations in the Pacific Region for a Regional coalition network - the Shift the Power Coalition - StPC. Her engagements at global conferences involved invitations and CSO’s representations at the presidential panel of speakers at the Third United Nations World Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction - March 2015 in Sendai City Japan and at the Rio+20 held at Rio de Janeiro - June 2012.

Region: The Pacific
Area of Expertise: Peace Education; Community Mediation for Intervention, Prevention and Sustainable Development; Early Warning

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