WOSCAP Final Conference

WOSCAP Report on ICTs & EU Peacebuilding

WOSCAP (Whole of Society Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding)* is a project aiming at enhancing the capabilities of the EU to implement conflict prevention and peacebuilding interventions through sustainable, comprehensive and innovative civilian means. It assesses current capabilities, and identifies gaps, best practices, lessons learned and research priorities.   The WOSCAP consortium brings together academic institutions with peacebuilding practitioners. GPPAC is the project coordinator and GPPAC members participate as associates, supporting the project with a wide pool of experienced practitioners in the area of conflict prevention.

This report reflects on the challenges that the EU faces in operationalising the uses of ICTs for conflict prevention and peacebuilding. It provides some examples of how innovative forms of engagement supported by new technologies can enhance initiatives in this field, and identifies opportunities for the adoption of ICTs in the EU's peacebuilding and conflict prevention operations. The report contributes to identifying ideas and challenges for EU peacebuilding which will require further analysis and problem-solving beyond the life of the WOSCAP project.    The role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in peacebuilding includes the ways peacebuilding actors have used data, communication, networking and mobilisation technologies to support their peacebuilding activities. Up to now, little had been published in terms of the European Union's perspective on the topic of ICTs for peacebuilding despite investment in innovation, for example through the Digital Agenda for Europe.

As highlighted by a participant to the WOSCAP Round Table events in Brussels in June 2016, a Commission Implementing Decision of the 2015 Annual Action Plan (AAP) under the Instruments Contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSPs) stated that:   "In order to ensure effective participation from a wide range of stakeholders, to allow the voices of children, youth, and women to be heard in a powerful manner and to maximise the impact of the supported actions on target population, the potential of media and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for conflict prevention and peacebuilding, should be further explored".  

See the full report here.    

* WOSCAP has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. This report only reflects the views of the author(s), and the EU is not responsible for how the information may be used.


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