
"Power of Peace" in Armenia

Women for Development's faith in the Armenian schoolchildren as charming ambassadors of peace has found confirmation once again, leading to this year's painting exhibition "Power of Peace".

On 3rd of November Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) in Yerevan kindly hosted colorful results of the 3rd Pan Armenian Painting Contest: "Power of Peace" dedicated to both International Peace Day and Armenian "Velvet Revolution". The contest was organized by Women for Development NGO in framework of "Peace Education in Armenian Schools" program, in which 262 pupils from 57 schools in 11 provinces of Armenia took part.

German Ambassador to Armenia Bernhard Matthias Kiesler, European Union Special Representative to Georgia and South Caucasus Karin Marmsoler and Helsinki Citizens' Assembly Armenian Chair Natalya Martirosyan welcomed all attending partners, artists, and winners. Special guest, artist Artak Tadevosyan from Gyumri, famous for his unique jewelry from shells, weapon pieces, and ammunition, additionally contributed to the peaceful environment. He, just like the young participants, keeps transforming successfully war tools into powerful peace messages.

Power of Peace Armenia

During the event, six schoolchildren were awarded with special cups and diplomas; another 50 with certificates, medals and encouraging gifts. Based on winning paintings, cards and calendars have been printed for spreading in Armenia and abroad. Women for Development NGO both hopes and believes that upcoming year's event's impact will even surpass this of previous contests, judging by continuously growing children's participation interest in the topic of peace.

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