
GPPAC: A Global Peacebuilding Network of Influencers & Agents of Change

In December 2019, FAS Research and Porticus Foundation released the report Mapping Change Agents and Influencers in the Field of Peacebuilding. In the report, GPPAC is ranked as the third influencer and change agent among all peacebuilding organisations worldwide. 

The results were based on more than 140 interviews with global peacebuilding leaders as well as a high-level meeting organised by Porticus. Not only does the study showcase a peacebuilding network of peacebuilding organisations and individuals from 71 countries worldwide, it also provides insights in opportunities and challenges for the field. Other top-ranked peacebuilding organisations are long-time partners of GPPAC. Amongst many others, these include: Alliance for PeacebuildingQuaker United Nations Office+PeacePeace DirectConciliation ResourcesSaferworldInterpeaceSearch for Common Ground and University of Notre Dame Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.

An important highlight of the report are the measures that can be taken to draw experiences from peacebuilding at the local level to promote peace globally. A total of 32 measures are identified, with the top 5 being identified as key priorities. These measures underline the importance of working together across the sector and providing space for collaboration and conversations. As a network organisation, we actively work together to influence, collaborate and improve practice. We believe that only through collective action and learning we can create the world we want to see -a world where violent conflict is never an option.

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